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PAP本来目前是没有英文缩写的英文是paper plane 或者paper airplane如果缩写成PP是包邮速递的缩写您如果真要英文的纸飞机的简写,我自己就给您造了一个大写的PAP,希望能帮您能派上用场,也非常希望能帮到您说不定您用了我造的这个缩写,以后大家都这样用了。

paper plane paper plane, paper plane how soft and light you are hope to ride you in the air up to the high clouds fair reach abode of heavenly realm paper plane, paper plane how soft and light you are gracefully flying your wings’pair look as if to a。


paper plane 看过大时代吗小唐菜唱的,超好听纸飞机,paper plane下面的虽然不是但是也写得很好I#39ll fly like a paper, get high like planes 我会像纸一样轻盈地飞起来,像飞机一样高 Catch me at the border, I got visas in my name 在过境时抓住我,但我有写。

在爸爸的帮助下我学会了做纸飞机 With the help of my father, I learned how to make a paper plane。

可以在家使用电脑登录纸飞机tg使用教程,步骤如下1 在网上找到我们需要的软件并下载到电脑2 在电脑上找到我们的下载管理器并打开3 进入下载管理器之后,点击下载选项4 进入 TG 的下载界面,在右上方的地方点击三个点进入下载设置5 在 TG 的下载设置中把文件下载的保存路径设置到我们。

For many years, many people tried to break through the hands of objects being thrown from the aircraft in the air the longest residence time in this limit肯布莱克布恩maintain the Guinness Book of World Records as long as 13 years 1983 1996 October 8, 1998 he created the。
